Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedrich Wilhelm Neuhann
Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e.V. (BVA)
Prof. Neuhann has been using the Excimer laser technique from a very early stage, and has been performing laser surgeries since the late ’80s. In 1999, Dr. Neuhann was honored as a “Pioneer of Refractive Surgery” in the United States. In 2005, he was additionally voted one of “TOP 50 Opinion Leaders” for Outstanding Contribution and Leadership in the Fields of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Prof. Neuhann has been president for VSDAR (Organization of German Specialty Clinics for Laser Eye and Refractive Surgery) since 2006. Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedrich Wilhelm Neuhann works at the eye clinic in Munich as well as in the joint ophthalmological practice of Prof. Neuhann and colleagues and as an attending physician in the eye department of the Red Cross Clinic in Munich. He also runs the non-profit cornea bank he founded in Munich, which arranges 1,500 to 2,000 corneas for transplantation every year. He himself performs around 300 corneal transplants every year.
Research Interest
Surgical innovations in cataract surgery