Call for Abstract

9th Global Ophthalmology Meeting, will be organized around the theme “Live a Great Life, with a Great Vision”

GLOBAL OPHTHALMOLOGY 2023 is comprised of 25 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in GLOBAL OPHTHALMOLOGY 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Compared to the hearing, the sense of sight provides more accurate testimony. Although this may not entirely be true, you cannot stop the significance from seizing your vision. Unfortunately, your eyes are susceptible to a variety of disorders that can lead to vision loss or degradation of visual perception, just like every other organ in your body. The thought of complete vision loss can seem terrifying or startling to those of us who have good or even poor vision. This is the reason organ of sight exercises and herbs that improve vision have become so popular recently. To get best Result from Ayurvedic Therapy in Ophthalmology there are some Exercise that we can follow, because our organ of sights have muscles and they can get sore when held in one position for too long, just like any other muscle of the body. Give your organ of sight muscles a break and you will be very grateful over the years. By doing even a few of these exercises you may well increase our productivity, eliminate headaches and errors, and even reduce your risk of glaucoma. And you don’t even have to take time off for these exercises so a busy schedule should be no excuse.

  • Triphala

  • Ginkgo Bilbao

  • Fennel Seeds & Almonds

  • Rose Water

  • Palming

  • Blinking

  • Zooming

  • Shifting

  • Figure of eight

Clinical Ophthalmology is the stream which deals with medical and ophthalmic surgical techniques, Retinal Diseases, Ocular Diseases and laser procedures.

A congenital cataract is a clouding of the organ of sight's natural lens that is present at birth. Depending on the density and location of the pacification, congenital cataracts may need to be removed by cataract surgery while the child is still an infant to enable normal vision development and prevent amblyopia and even blindness. Congenital cataracts can occur in new-born babies for many reasons, including inherited tendencies, infection, metabolic problems, diabetes, trauma, and inflammation or drug reactions

Different types of congenital cataracts:

  • Anterior polar cataracts

  • Posterior polar cataracts

  • Nuclear cataracts

Disease of the visual system that may lead to eventual total blindness. As a result, research into corneal disease is done to help treat it, and methods like contact lenses and vision correction are also employed to treat difficulties associated to eyesight, in addition to surgical procedures like corneal transplantation to replace the cornea. The retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the rear of the organ of sight, is illuminated by working the cornea and focal point of the eye. Light is refracted or bent as it approaches the focal point at the point where it strikes the cornea. The retina is where light is first translated into vision by the focal point, which refocuses that light. The retina changes over light into electrical driving forces that go through the optic nerve to the mind, which translates them as pictures.

Based on data so far, doctors believe that 1%-3% of people with COVID-19 will get conjunctivitis, also called pink organ of sight. It happens when the virus infects a tissue called conjunctiva, which covers the white part of your organ of sight or the inside of your organ of sight lids. Symptoms include if your organ of sights are: Red.

Pink organ of sight (conjunctivitis) can be a symptom of COVID-19. Research suggests that the most common organ of sight problems linked to COVID-19 is light sensitivity, sore organ of sights and itchy organ of sights

Initial training in Ophthalmology brings in all the concepts of micro-incisions, fine suturing and working under microscopes. This comes as a lead of Cosmetic abscission in Ophthalmology. Furthermore since majority of maturity occur around the organ of sights, an ophthalmic plastic medico can better address these issues through hidden slit behind the organ of sight lid. The main aim of beautifying ophthalmology is to decrease the signs of ageing and ameliorate countenance features through both surgical and non-surgical techniques, wrinkles, drooping organ of sight lids, darkness under the organ of sights and loose bloated skin as well as unwanted hair and veins can be treated successfully.

In ophthalmology, diagnosis is the major important part for deciding the treatment for the patients. Only through the proper instrumentation technique, this is achieved. The posterior part of the organ of sight consists of vitreous humour, retina, choroid, and optic nerve. These are viewed using the proper Instruments. Mostly for retinal analysis, optical coherence tomography (OCT) is used. OCT is an imaging technique used for viewing the organ of sight in Two- and Three- Dimensions and for capturing the micrometre resolutions. This is the most important and emerging technologies in the diagnosis because of its easy prediction, Non-invasive technique, less strain and time consumption technique. There are many instruments specially designed for the detection of the organ of sight problems and for the rectification.


Digital screens give off little or no harmful radiation (such as x-rays or UV rays). All levels of radiation from computer screens are below levels that can cause organ of sight damage such as cataracts. Digital screens do exposure your organ of sights to blue light

One of two main outcomes is intended by every glaucoma surgery technique, laser or non-laser: either a reduction in the formation of intraocular fluid (aqueous humour) or an increase in the outflow (drainage) of this fluid. If alternative therapies fail to control your glaucoma, surgery may be your last resort. Surgery is not typically the initial step in treating glaucoma. The intraocular pressure can be decreased surgically by using a laser or by cutting an incision in the eye.

Types of laser surgery for glaucoma:

  • Argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT):

  • Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT)

  • Laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI)

  • Cyclophotocoagulation

The development of your children's vision begins before birth. From the moment your kid is born, her eyes will aid in her physical, intellectual, and emotional development by enabling her to learn - a little at first and ultimately significantly more - about her broad surroundings. A baby's visual layout provides some room for imagination. Babies are unable to notice many details throughout the first week of life. Their initial view of the world is vague and only contains black tones.

Organ of sight surgery, generally called visual surgery, can't avoid being surgery performed on the organ of sight or its adnexa, typically by an ophthalmologist. The organ of sight is a sensitive organ, and requires astounding thought some time as of late, in the midst of, and after a surgical procedure. An authority organ of sight master is responsible for choosing the fitting surgical framework for the patient, and for taking the imperative security wellbeing measures. Ophthalmic surgeries can be of different sorts who incorporate Laser organ of sight surgery, waterfall surgery, glaucoma surgery, refractive surgery, corneal surgery, vireos-retinal surgery et cetera.

Anaesthesia is essential since the eye is closely related to the nervous system. The most popular type of anaesthesia is neighbourhood. Rapid procedures frequently include topical anaesthesia using lidocaine topical gels. General anaesthesia is occasionally utilised for children, horrific organ of sight wounds, and severe orbitotomies for suspect people because topical anaesthesia demands the patient's interest. The anaesthesia professional monitors the patient's cardiovascular condition. In order to prepare the area for operation and reduce the risk of contamination, clean security procedures are conducted. These safety precautions are added to the usage of sterile window coverings, clothing, gloves, and cleaning agents like Providence-Iodine.

Only one second is needed for our brain to process what we are viewing. The so-called ventral-temporal cortex, often known as the visual brain, is the area of our brain that is capable of organising these visual findings so swiftly. It has been discovered that blind persons also use the visual brain's map. Each group is recognised differently by their visual brain. This implies that despite not having any visual information, blind persons also use this portion of the brain to distinguish between categories.

Imperfect evaluation of patients during regime scrutiny and the failure to correlate manifestations are probably more common reasons for missed neuro-ophthalmic determine than the potential delicacy of neuro-ophthalmic symptoms. Recommendations for incorporating a more thorough, efficient organ of sight examination in routine practice are included in the Examination efficiency.  There are several reasons of decreased vision following a neurological event (such as acquired brain injury). It is important to direct the cause of the decreased vision as it will allow the physician to discuss prediction and potential for improvement.

In a small randomized controlled trial, production of aqueous tears and secretion of goblet cells increased following application of the Occleve Intranasal Lacrimal Neurostimulator (Allergan).This handheld device works by delivering electrical stimulation to the anterior ethmoidal branch of the trigeminal nerve in the nasal cavities. It potentially offers a new mechanism for treating dry organ of sight disease—now largely managed with artificial tears and anti-inflammatory agents.

The eye and visual system are the focus of ophthalmology, a field of medicine. Ophthalmology encompasses the entire visual system, including the internal and exterior components such the eyeball, eyelid, lashes, and tear glands. Treatment options range from providing care for the external organs of sight to treating various conditions relating to those organs of sight using medical, surgical, and rehabilitation techniques. The elimination of blindness is being worked on by numerous specialists, including ophthalmologists, optometrists, and vision specialists. It is crucial for clinicians and researchers to get together and talk about the various ways to integrate research into clinical practise if we are to have a world without blind people. Research can also be used to address some diagnosis-related issues with new solutions. Ophthalmology conferences are being conducted to bring the researchers and clinicians together and have a beneficial discussion and make the globe blind free. 


Vision science is the scientific study of vision. Vision science surround all studies of vision, such as how human and non-human organisms process visual information, how conscious visual perception works in humans, how to exploit visual perception for productive communication, and how artificial systems can do the same tasks. Optometry is a healthcare occupation that is sovereign, educated, and regulated (licensed/registered), and optometric physician are the primary healthcare exponent of the organ of sight and visual system who provide comprehensive organ of sight and vision care, which includes refraction and distribute, detection/diagnosis and administration of disease in the organ of sight, and the recuperation of conditions of the visual system.

Our Organ of sights is an important part of your Health. Everyone rely on their organ of sights to see and make perception of the globe around them. Myopia and blindness have direct effect on individual, families, and communities. These effects range from a decrease in quality of life and increased mortality to large-scale economic outcome. Primary organ of sight care is a wide concept, circumscribe the prevention of potentially deprive of sight organ of sight diseases through primary health care (PHC). You might think your vision is fine or that your organs of sights are wholesome, really be sure.

A subspecialty of ophthalmology called paediatric ophthalmology treats children with vision problems and visual impairment. Doctors that specialise in paediatric ophthalmology work to strengthen the visual system and address the various problems that prevent children from developing their vision. Paediatric ophthalmologists are skilled at treating a variety of child-related eye infections.

It depends on the process that uses neuroimmunomodulation, electropalatography, organ of sight growth, psychophysics, and extra ciphering modelling. Visual search, spatial vision, perceptual association, semantic processing and categorization, face recognition, visual disregard, visual agnosia, perception for action, visual working memory, restraint and psychological control, reading, and social vision.

Organ of Sight and Vision Researchers are rising from the lab and the clinic to educate the public, patients, and policymakers about the sight-saving work we undertake and the advantages it offers to our society in a world that is changing quickly. The aim is to provide opportunities for Ophthalmology teachers and students to develop their research presentation skills to academic audiences. The objective of Ophthalmic Researchers and Scholars is still to conduct innovative study on the evolution, composition, and operation of the visual system and to maintain our status as a centre of excellence. Research efforts have resulted in clinical studies to prevent, treat, and cure eye illnesses thanks to this project.

The Retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the back of the organ of sight at the back. It is found near the optic nerve. The main aim of the retina is to catch light that the lens has focused, convert the light into neural signals, and send these signals on the brain for visual identification.

Any surgical technique used to treat vision issues is referred to as vision correction surgery, also known as refractive and laser organ of sight surgery. Huge improvements have been made in this field recently. More individuals can see clearly than ever before because to laser and refractive eye surgery. The clear front portion of the eye, the cornea, is reshaped by the majority of vision correction surgeries. That permits light to pass through it and properly focus on the retina, the rear of your eye.

  •  LASIK -or laser in-situ keratomileusis, works for people who are near sighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism.

  •  Photorefractive keratectomy-is used to correct mild to moderate near-sightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

  • Refractive lens exchange. Other names clear lens exchange (CLE) - It’s the same as cataract surgery. A small cut at the edge of your cornea. She removes your natural lens and replaces it with a plastic lens implant. The procedure can correct extreme farsightedness or near-sightedness.

  •  PRELEX -Short for presbyopia lens exchange is a procedure used for presbyopia, or loss of flexibility in your organ of sight. The doctor removes your lens and replaces it with a multifocal lens.

Despite advances in electroencephalogram imaging and other techniques, examination of the afferent visual sensory system is still the core of the neuro-ophthalmologic examination. A thorough refraction is an essential part of all clinical neuro ophthalmologic examinations. Conflict visual fields should be part of every afferent system examination. The relationship between the physical properties of light and perceptual and behavioural responses is known as visual psychophysics, which serves as the foundation for the clinical assessment of visual function. The resolution  of patient’s optical field improves worsens, or remains stable over time is the most difficult aspect of visual field interpretation. Many attempts have been made to investigate visual field function using evoked potentials to visual stimuli.

Lazy Organ of sight, also known as amblyopia, occurs when one organ of sight develops poorly. Vision is weak in that organ of sight and it moves slowly. Using corrective glasses or contact lenses may correct it. It may occur in infants, children and adults. Dry organ of sights is condition when there is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the organ of sight. Consequences of dry organ of sights range from subtle but constant organ of sight irritation to significant inflammation and even scarring of the front surface of the organ of sight. Symptoms of dry organ of sight includes: Burning sensation, itchy organ of sights, photophobia, ache, blurred vision.

Vision Science is the technological study of vision. The visual framework is very pleasant made to transmit data of the outside globe to visual assemble and subjective focuses in the intellect. The presumption of apprehension is the cerebrum’s capacity to synchronize all the electrical movement it is continually accepting and producing. The necessary goal of visual neuroscience is to perceive how neural activity brings about visual acknowledgment, and furthermore hones dependent on vision.